Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's a BABY!!!

Hello everyone! As you may already know, Dave and I are expecting our first child! He or she will be here September 3rd!!

Since almost all of our family on both sides live far away, we wanted to start a blog to be able to share our journey from pregnancy to parenthood with you all.

We found out on Christmas Eve that we were expecting...I just had a hunch that something was up, and i decided to take a home pregnancy test just before bed while Dave was preoccupied by setting some last minute gifts under the tree. After seeing two little pink lines appear, I hid the test behind my back and called Dave over. I asked if he wanted an early Christmas present and presented the test to him. It took him a few seconds to realize what it was and exactly what was happening, but when he did, he looked up at me and said "REALLY??!!!" I was shaking with excitement and couldn't help crying hysterically. We hugged for an eternity! I took 3 tests in all before it was all over...just to be sure. All were positive! We laid in bed that night on Christmas Eve! I was able to dose off, but I don't think Dave was even able to close his eyes! He woke me up at 4am and we got up and decided to go ahead and open presents and get the day started.

Our doctor wouldn't see us until 8 weeks, so we had to wait almost an entire month...but it felt more like a year. January 21st Dave took the day off and we went in for our first visit. It took Dr. McGee about 2 seconds to find the baby, and she whispered "hello there little peanut". We got to hear the heart beat (which was very good for 8 weeks at 177) and she answered a lot of our questions. (She told us that we had to cancel our February snowboarding

She also gave us the baby's very first photo, which she said was actually a really good "peanut picture" can't really see much of anything at this stage, but this kid is already a great model! Haha!!

So there he or she is. Our next appointment is on February 18th and I am hoping we will get a more exciting photo to share with you all. We definitely can't WAIT to learn whether the baby is a boy or a girl. Dave and I honestly don't have a preference, we just want him or her to be healthy.

As for me, I have not had any sickness at this point. At first I was extremely tired all of the time, but that has passed for the most part. And I am constantly hungry...but that is starting to let up a little bit as well. I have gained 2 or 3 pounds, probably due to the constant hunger. My back pain is a little worse, since I can't take my medication, but I am willing to suffer through for the Littlest Sullivan :)

~the Sullivans