Monday, November 14, 2011

An even littler Sullivan!

Sullivan baby #2 is on the way! We had the craziest November ever, first with traveling, then with the whole house taking turns being sick, then with the news of a new baby!

Dave took Ryan to her 1st Georgia football game one Saturday and I stayed home to work on some design stuff. When they got home, I was super hungry so we went to Correlejo's to eat. Ryan usually gobbles up Mexican food, but she wouldn't even take one bite. She was acting just fine, sitting in her seat playing and giggling like normal, but all of a sudden she started drooling. As Dave went to wipe her face, she started to spit up a little, and then out of nowhere - she started full on vomiting! She has NEVER thrown up before, so we were caught completely off guard and we jumped out of our seats trying not to scream! We immediately stripped her down right there in the middle of the restaurant. Once we had her all cleaned up and in new clothes, we payed the tab and ran out of there! Ryan and I got in the shower, just like every other night, and she seemed just fine. We thought that the throwing up was a one-time deal, like she just ate too much earlier in the day. But in the shower, she started REALLY throwing up, heaving even. She puked all over me...luckily I was in the shower already.

So she was officially sick. We put her in some comfy jammies and made a pallet on the living room floor. We decided that we didn't want to put her in her crib for the night, in case she threw up again. We had fears of her choking or not waking us up and laying in vomit all night. She fell asleep pretty quickly in the floor with Daddy, but ended up waking up once an hour ALL NIGHT LONG to throw up again. I nearly ran out of pajamas for her as she kept puking on them....I did 3 loads of pukey laundry that night.

Dave had to run sound at church the next morning, so Ryan and I spent the morning in her rocking chair just taking it easy. She seemed fine most of the day, but ended up throwing up once a day for the next 3 days. Other than that, she acted almost completely normal, no fever, no crying, trying to walk around and play...she was just really tired.

Well, Monday, Dave had to go back to work, and I woke up with Ryan's bug. I only got sick twice, but I felt absolutely awful all day long. We had an OB/GYN appointment that evening for a pregnancy conformation, and there was NO WAY I was going to cancel it! We must have seemed really awful during the ultrasound...I felt so yucky that any excitement definitely did not show.

But, there is definitely a baby in there! I was hoping to be at least 8 weeks, and she said that I was 7 weeks, 3 days, so I could not have asked for much better. My due date as of right now is June 22, 2012.

Baby Sullivan #2!!

Well, after the ultrasound, we came home and I went straight to bed. I laid there for hours unable to fall asleep and just feeling like I could vomit at any second. But then around 7:30, I started to feel my fever breaking so I took some Tylenol and almost instantly started feeling better. By bedtime I was sure that I would wake up healed in the morning...and I did for the most part....but Dave woke up at midnight running to the bathroom to throw up. Poor guy had it way worse than Ryan or I did...he was sick for an entire 24 hours, maybe even more.

We had been RUNNING so hard for the entire month and were just exhausted, then for all of us to be sick in rotation, the idea of being pregnant took a while to really hit me...we are just so worn out that my brain couldn't wrap itself around anything else. The 2nd time around is a lot different than the 1st. I kind of feel like I have been-there-done-that and I know what to expect, whereas with the first, everything is so new and exciting/scary. But the farther along I get, I kind of forget what it was like the first time around...I definitely have "baby brain" and have a hard time remembering anything at all!

With the first pregnancy, I was in a whirlwind of making quilts, burp cloths, dresses, and everything else for a baby I could think of. I was running around like crazy buying up baby products, which all had to be brand new and straight out of the box...even the floor model wasn't quite good enough! But now...we kind of have everything we need, so there is no rushing out to get whichever bottles are the most expensive or the top of the line crib mattress. There are one or two things that we will be needing in order to make juggling 2 babies a little easier, but for the most part...this poor kid is getting all of the hand-me-downs. Anything that we DO go buy, we now have learned that consignment and used stuff is JUST as good as new, and way WAY more affordable. I have even saved most of Ryan's clothes, so if we have another girl, we won't have to go out and get a new wardrobe.

Daddy and Ryan at their 1st Georgia game together!!

Well, that is about it for now! We are so happy to share with you all that the new "Littlest Sullivan" will be making his or her debut this coming summer! This is something that we definitely feel was meant to happen, because we weren't trying, and we probably honestly weren't ready! But Ryan is going to make the best big sister ever and I can't even imagine the number of kisses she will have for her new baby!!

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