Thursday, June 10, 2010

28 weeks...3rd trimester!!!

So this week starts my 3rd trimester! We are 2/3 of the way there! Can you believe it??? I have had a pretty "symptom-free" pregnancy so far. I never had the morning sickness, or nausea, no cravings, no drastic weight gain, and I only recently came across some hormones...but I now have one "symptom" that is making me feel like a crazy person....


Never in my life has my mind been so completely blank. It is hard to explain, but I feel like even when I am thinking about something, I am in LaLa Land. I can't remember ANYTHING - I will think of something that I need to do, and I can't even verbalize my thought before it leaves my head completely and I can't remember what I was just thinking to save my life. It's like being really really REALLY drunk...when all of your ideas are great ones, but you won't remember any of them once you sober up.

(funny story...I am sitting here writing this, trying to remember my Baby Brain examples, and guess what....I can't think of them...let me dig through my brain files for a sec...)


1. The other day, Dave was in the shower and poked his head out to ask if I could bring him a towel. "Sure, no problem!", I said. About 4 minutes later, Dave is streaking down the hall to get a towel because literally as soon as I said "Sure...", I forgot ALL about it. Sorry Dave.

2. I found myself aimlessly wandering around Target the other day. I was half way through the store, my mind a complete blank, and I just stopped in the middle of the aisle and said "What in the world did I come in here for....and better the HECK did I get here???" So that was kind of scary...

3. I made lasagna for my dad's birthday on Sunday. If you cook, you know that lasagna is a pretty involved dish. It has a ton of ingredients, lot of steps, and takes a couple of hours to make. Well, I had mine assembled and in the oven when I realized that I left out an ingredient all together....parmesan cheese! (Kind of an important ingredient!!) And the worst part about it was that earlier in the day, I thought we didn't have any parmesan cheese, so I was fretting about it and almost had Dave out the door to run and get some when I found 2 things of it in my mom's the cheese had crossed my mind once or twice that day! In the end, the final product tasted just like my lasagna always does, so I am thinking about cutting out the cheese altogether to save on the calories :)

4. A few days ago, Dave and I were driving down the road talking about I-forget-what, and I couldn't think of the word I wanted to use, so I said "what's the word for when something is expected?" He looked at me like I was crazy and said "uh....expectation?!" Ah yes....that would be the word.

5. Tuesday morning I was sitting at my vanity getting ready to go to physical therapy. I finished putting my make up on and headed back to the closet to change clothes. As I passed by the bathroom mirror, I noticed something strange...I just did my make up, yet something didn't look right... seriously??? I forgot to put eyeliner on! Eyeliner is pretty much the ONE thing that I won't let most people see me without. You know when people ask you the question "if you were on a deserted island and you could only have one thing..." mine would be eyeliner!! It may not sound like a huge deal...but it was a huge deal for me!

So those are just a few prime examples. Basically I can't think of words I want to use, I can't remember anything, and I always feel like I need to be doing something but I can't think of what it is I should be doing. Oh, and when it's windy outside, you can hear the wind whistling through my ears.

Tuesday we had our 2nd Labor & Delivery class. Mom went with Dave and I this time since we would be touring the hospital again. I wanted her to see the renovations they had made. It turns out that all of the rooms were full that night except one of the old ones down on the end, so she never actually got to see the "pretty room".

The class was pretty normal up until the end, when the lady pulled out the birth video. Nothing makes you want to have a baby LESS than watching a birth video. The video was horrible, grossly out of date, and totally the opposite of how I see Ryan's birth going. For starters, none of the women had epidurals. They were all "chanting" and doing really weird things to get through the pain...just get the're not proving anything to anyone.

The video was at LEAST 35 years old. The hair in the video (on their well as other places...) was enough to make everyone giggle. One of the OBs delivery a baby looked just like John Oates from Hall & Oates...

It was bad overall, but Dave started giggling and couldn't stop during a "close up" because he thought to himself "if this lady poops, we are OUT OF HERE!!" He had to step outside. I really couldn't blame him.

So overall, the video made me really fearful of child birth. I just keep telling myself that the video really wasn't realistic to what my experience will be, but I think they did us all a HUGE disservice by showing it to us. Sigh.

Wednesday night I talked to the lady in Illinois whose husband is making Ryan's changing table and armoire, and our new bed. She said that the furniture is done and ready to be picked up!! She also said that everyone who comes into her shop LOVES Ryan's furniture and she has sold 3 changing tables and 2 armoires off of people seeing them and wanting them too! (I designed both, and we had them custom build them for Ryan) Maybe I have a future in furniture design! We are going up next weekend to pick up our stuff...I have been SO excited about this trip ever since we made the plans back in February...I dreamt about the furniture Wednesday night, and Thursday I woke up at 5:00 a.m. thinking about it and couldn't go back to sleep! Yes, I am excited.

I have been working on Ryan's crib quilt this week. I have all of the squares cut except one, which I am stitching her name on...I have her first name finished, but the middle and last names are still in progress...

And here is an appliqued sheep I made for one of the squares a few days ago.

Today and yesterday have not been great days for me. It doesn't take a whole lot right now to get me down, and when I get down, it is really hard to snap out of it. I really don't have any control over it. Combine that with my 'baby brain', and I am in a total fog. It's called the 'baby blues' and it sucks big time.

Here we are at a very sleepy 28 weeks

That's all for this week. Have a great week.

~the Sullivans

1 comment:

  1. Well, you still look cute...must be because you remembered your eyeliner!
