Tuesday, June 15, 2010

29 weeks

I am posting a day early because this afternoon we are heading to my favorite place ever - Southern Illinois, where I grew up. We have a busy weekend planned! Friday night there is an auction in town, and not only can you get some great junk, but the people watching is fantastic! Saturday my relatives are having a baby shower for Ryan, which I am really looking forward to. I don't get to see most of my family very much, so it will be nice to get together. Church on Sunday, and I will probably cook something for everyone for Father's Day. I would like to squeeze in some time to do some photos of my cousins, and maybe some family photos too. There are lots of cute stores to keep us busy as well. I am really excited about picking up the baby's furniture and getting our new bed too!

This week, we had a trip to the book store to get some baby books for Ryan. Most of the books we had for her before were regular children's books, which are great for story time, but she needed some very simple books to start out learning from. Dave picked out 3 and I picked out 3. My favorite is "Sheep in a Jeep". Not only is it about sheep, which is my "theme" for the baby's room, but the story is just really really cute.

I had an engagement shoot on Saturday. It was VERY hot, but the pictures came out SO good. It was with some friends of ours, and I am also doing their wedding in October...I am just hoping that everything goes smoothly with the baby and that I am up and on my feet to do their wedding!!

Saturday night Dave went to a friend's house to play volleyball and hang out. I needed some "couch time", so he had to go alone. Someday I will be able to do things like play volleyball again....someday ;)

My friend, Samantha, is planning the Georgia baby shower for me, and we set a date - July 25th. It falls on a Sunday...I think she was hoping to do it on a Saturday, but the place she wanted to rent was booked. Sunday works for Ryan and I, I hope it works for you as well! :)

Ryan and I had another check up at the doctor this morning. I had mom go with me, just to be sure, since I passed out last time! She had my niece, Aurora, with her, so she got to go too. Everything looks spot on with the baby so far. Aurora got to help the doctor measure my belly and find the baby's heartbeat. She also got to find the baby's position and actually feel her in my belly...she said "that is so weird!"

I had to get some more blood drawn today, which I wasn't excited about, but I wanted to really try hard to be a big girl about it. It went fine. No passing out or anything! But everyone was making a big deal over me, asking every two seconds if I was okay. They took 5 tubes of blood this time...compared to the ONE they took when I passed out. But, my gestational diabetes test came back negative, so that is great!!

Here we are at 29 weeks...we are very excited in this picture because we are running out the door to go to Illinois!! (this shirt is a little baggy and makes me look bigger than I really am!)

Happy Father's Day everyone!!

And Ryan says a very special Happy Father's Day to Daddy, Papa, Papa Lee, Grandpa, Grandpa Mark, Uncle Shaun, Uncle Greg, Uncle John, and Uncle Scott!!

Have a great week!!

~Robbi and baby Ryan

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