Thursday, January 5, 2012

A few random thoughts...

I know this is out of character for me, since I just posted twice in one week making this a third, but I have thought of a few things that I wanted to add...

Just now, as Ryan is taking a nap, I read back through the blog from when I was 15-16 weeks pregnant with Ryan to see if there were many similarities or differences. Well, so far, Ryan and this baby could be twins it seems. Around this time with Ryan I was complaining of extreme pain in my left hip, my appetite was dying down a little and getting back to "normal", I was sleeping well at night, needing to rest or sit down and take breaks from time to time, and I was just beginning to show a little. All of that is right on par this time around. Also, no sickness or nausea. Once in a while I will feel like I need to eat something IMMEDIATELY or I will feel a little sick-ish, but that is easily taken care of. Also, when I am done eating, I am DONE...I may not even be full yet, but like a switch being flipped, I can not make myself take one more bite. I did this with Ryan too, and it can be frustrating when I am eating something really yummy and I am not full yet, but my body just kind of can't handle anything else. It was worse with Ryan though - when that switch flipped, I had to have my plate moved from in front of me so I couldn't see or smell the food anymore, or leave the table completely.

And what is kind of unbelievable to me is that I think I may be a little bit smaller this time than I was with Ryan. I think I have gained more weight, as in *ahem* FAT, but the baby bump itself looks smaller. I am not working out this time around except small things here and there, and with all of the food around the holidays, candy from our stockings, and delicious cakes and pies around every corner...yes, I have gained actual weight. But that is OKAY!! I think I have proved to myself that I can lose weight easily enough when I really want to, and when this baby gets here, trust me, I will really want to! But in the blog at 15-16 weeks last time, I was saying that my clothes weren't fitting and I only had one pair of jeans that fit when buttoned...EVERYTHING still fits me as of right now. I mean, things are a tad tighter, but still fine. I honestly think I have had to eat less frequently this time around. With Ryan, I literally had to eat something every hour or so. I remember crying because I was so sick-and-tired of eating. I remember eating bread all day just to have something in my stomach. This time, it is no where near as bad. Woo-hoo, glad I did not have to go through that again! Don't get me wrong, Dave can testify that I still eat a second dinner every night before bed!!

I'm so glad I kept such a detailed blog of my first pregnancy. Even though it was just 2 years ago, the details get hazy as time moves on.

I also wanted to mention a few more things that Ryan is doing...

We bought her a seat to go on the toilet, and she will say "poo-poo" to ask to sit on it. She has went pee twice at a friends house, but nothing yet here at home. She just likes to sit and read her books for now.

She LOVES to color. She got a coloring book and some crayons for Christmas and she literally colors all day long. She lays in the floor on her belly and scribbles away...she is probably left handed, but we DO NOT push her to choose, or try to choose for her. She calls coloring "co-dah"...which kind of sounds like color.

She is learning her colors. She is getting pretty good with red, yellow, green and blue, and she really knows orange, but she WILL NOT say "orange"...she says "no-nosh". It is adorable. She also says no-nosh for orange the fruit. Orange is by far her favorite color and she says "no-nosh" every single time without fail, so we know that somehow that sounds like orange to her. We have just kind of started to say no-nosh ourselves, because its darn cute.

I can't speak for Dave, but she is doing very well with me. When she cries, I can sit her on my lap and hold her and get her to focus on me and I ask her what is wrong and what she needs. She almost always says "wa-wa" (water), so I get her a drink of water and she is good to go.

When she is hungry, she will tell you "ACK!" which means snack. Then she will go and sit on the rug in front of the stove in the kitchen and wait for her snack. Why she sits there, I do not know...we never made her!

She is starting to pick up on possession. For example, she will point to her cup and say "wa-wa" and then point to my cup and say "wa-wa, mama" like she is saying 'that is mommy's water". In the mornings we bring her to sit in bed with us for a bit and she will point to each pillow and say "dada piwow, mama piwow".

She walks around the house pointing to everything she knows and says what it is...
ite (light)
memm (Grimm)
bay-bet (blanket)
moon (the cutest and my favorite...she waves at the moon and says hi moon or bye bye)
shoes, dada shoe, mama shoe
...too many words to count, but these are the ones she says most often

We put her high chair away and got her a booster to sit at the table with us. We are loving it. Before each meal, she waves her hands at us and says "MAY-MEN! MAY-MEN!" which means "Amen" means she wants to pray. So she holds each of our hands and we say 'cousin Seth's prayer' which is "Dear Jesus, thank you for this food, Amen" and she says MAY-MEN after. Adorable. She did it at church supper last night and hearts were melting for sure!

Well, that is about all I wanted to add. I can't wait until Monday for my next appointment!


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