Thursday, July 8, 2010

31 and 32 weeks

31 weeks....

Well, I am a little behind on my blogging...sorry :( We have just been really busy lately. Dave has been trying all last week to get caught up in the yard, as well as help mom get the pool clean, and I have been laying out a wedding photo album. We are finally all caught up with everything and have NO PLANS, other than the baby shower, until Ryan is born! We are excited about some time off!!

Ryan and I had a check up at the doctor on last Thursday. It was easy-peasy, in-and-out. I was only there for about 10 minutes total. She measured my belly, listened to the heart beat, took my blood pressure, and felt the baby's position. All are pretty much perfect. Ryan's head is right on top of my bladder, which, to say the least, can be quite uncomfortable when I am walking! She is gaining weight, I can tell! She is starting to get pretty heavy to carry around!

Dave had a 4 day weekend for the 4th of July. We were able to clean the whole house last Saturday and we had some friends over for dinner. Dave grilled steaks on the Big Green Egg and I made some wedge salads and a HUGE pot of green beans and taters. Then we had peach cobbler and ice cream. It was SOOOOO good.

On the 4th, and we went to mom's house to swim and cook out. I swam several times last week. It doesn't really feel much different while I am in the pool, but when I get out, gravity hits and it feels like I have a bowling ball strapped to my stomach.

We got to sleep in Monday morning, which was so nice! I found a really comfortable position (which is rare) so Dave and I snuggled with the boys all morning, then daddy sang the ABCs to Ryan.

Here we are at 31 weeks!

32 weeks...

Dave had Monday and Tuesday off for the 4th of July holiday, and it was nice having him home for 4 straight days. Monday morning he had to take Grimm to the vet because he was acting funny and his tail wasn't working. We thought maybe he had a broken tail, or he had some kind of really painful poo and wouldn't lift his tail. Turns out he had Limber Tail, which is apparently quite common in Labs. Basically, he over worked his tail swimming ALL day on Sunday, and the muscles in his tail were worn out. He is all better now, but it was not a good day! Daddy took him to get ice cream...Bruster's gives a free scoop of vanilla with a dog treat on top to dogs. Needless to say, he LOVES it.

The boys can't come in Ryan's room :(
"Let us in!!" they say... (from left to right - Grimm, Tonka, J. Otis)

Wednesday I went to Party City with mom and B to pick out some things for the baby shower. We also stopped by Rhodes bakery and ordered the cake for the shower...they did my wedding cake and make the best cake around, hands down.

Thursday we went to an arts and crafts show at the Mall of Georgia. It was pretty sparse, but I did get a pink and brown tutu for photo shoots with Ryan. Mom bought Ryan 2 Coming Home outfits, and several other outfits. I am glad to have the Coming Home clothes taken care of. I was starting to get flustered and thought I would never find anything I liked well enough. The dress we got is really traditional - I wanted something plain and classic, not trendy, so that when we pull it out 20 years from now, there is no "what were we thinking" moment. We also got a little red romper with polka dots...a girl's gotta have options!!

Ryan's tutu!

The homecoming dress and bonnet!
Mom went through her Hope chest and pulled out some of my old baby stuff. We read through my baby book (apparently I was chowing down on baked potato at 2 weeks old) and found an old yellow baby dress that i wore.

Do you think it would still fit?

Ryan is moving a LOT. She has a spot on my right side that she kicks REALLY hard and it feels like she is about to bust through the skin. Plus she gets the hiccups almost every day.

Lately I have been feeling overly ready to not be pregnant anymore. When I see skinny girls out and about, I am very envious. I am ready to look like that again...I want to wear normal clothes, be able to bend over, or go for a run. I am not handling pregnancy negatively at ALL, but my belly is so big now, that I find myself guarding it so people won't run into it. Just today I was walking up behind mom to look at something she was looking at, and I had my arm out ready to block in case she spun around quickly. Sounds silly I guess. I don't want to rush anything, because I am sure I will miss these times at some point, but I am ready for her to get here.

We have a doctor appointment this week on Thursday. It should be pretty basic.

Here we are at 32 weeks
Have a great week

~the Sullivans

1 comment:

  1. You still are one beautiful pregnant lady! It sounds like you all had a very enjoyable holiday. You need those weekends now before things get too crazy.
