Sunday, July 18, 2010

34 weeks

So, I thought that I knew what acid reflux was. I have never really ever had it in my life until I was about 6 months pregnant, and I knew that what I had was pretty mild. Well, as it turns out, I had NO IDEA what it really is. Friday night I woke up around 1:30 and shot straight up in bed, from a dead sleep, gasping for air and coughing, unable to breath. It felt like my throat had been ripped out and filled with battery acid that had been lit on fire! I couldn't breath, swallow, or really even move without feeling like I was going to vomit everywhere. For a moment, I thought something was deathly wrong ("oh Lord, I'm dying!")...but it slowly dawned on me that THIS is what REAL acid reflux is. I knew I couldn't just stay where I was, so as quickly as I could, I grabbed my water bottle and my Tums off of my night stand and RAN to the bathroom sink. I gulped down the water to try to wash the acid down, and ate several Tums back-to-back, coughing and gasping the whole way. After 5 minutes or so, I felt in control enough to get back into bed. I was SO tired and just wanted to sleep, but of course, I couldn't lie down. I really did NOT want to sleep in the chair in the living room sitting up, so I just propped myself up with several pillows and prayed that I could go back to sleep as quickly as possible and sleep through this....which I eventually did.

Wednesday at the gym, one of the guys at the front desk stopped me as we came in and said ... "I don't want you to get offended or anything, but we all took a poll and we think that you are the most attractive pregnant lady we have ever seen." Talk about a pick-me-up!! All week I have been teasing the family about it, a la "ladies and gentlemen, make way for the most attractive pregnant lady ever..." hehehe.

It is really hard to get around these days. My hips feel like they are broken and my belly is huge. Also, with each step I take, it is painfully obvious that there is something VERY solid inside of my belly. I get out of breath pretty easily, like just walking to the car. I am glad that I have been working out, because I can't even imagine what it would be like if I were out of shape!

We finally got our butts in gear this week and made curtains for the nursery. It is amazing how much difference they make! Her room is so pretty - it is a very peaceful and calming place, which I suppose is what you would want in a nursery. Sometimes I like to just go in there and just sit in the rocking chair, relax, and take it all in. I love it.

We also got the quilt top pieced together and finished. I am still in total baby brain mode which makes me completely indecisive, so I had Barbara lay it out how she saw best. She is a total perfectionist, so I figured she would do a good job...and she did - I only changed the placement of 2 squares! Mom took it home to quilt it over the next week or so. I am excited to get it done. It has been neglected for several months.

I finally started packing my hospital bag this week. Dave has been bugging me to do it, and I just never have. Now, with just 6 weeks left, I am very aware that Ryan could technically come at any time, so I need to get everything in order.

Ryan's baby shower is this Sunday. My good friend Valerie can't make it, so she dropped off a gift for the baby Thursday night. It is this adorable bouncy seat - how sweet of her! Dave was in hog heaven when he was putting it together...he loves his daughter so much already and putting together baby stuff makes him really really happy. He will be such a good daddy :)

Cute little snail on the bouncy seat :)

Here we are at 34 weeks...within 6 weeks, we will get to meet our baby girl! That's only a month and a half!!

We have a doctors appointment this Thursday, and I am pretty sure that after that, I will have to go in once a week for the remainder of the pregnancy...that means we are getting close to departure!

Have a great week!

~the Sullivans

1 comment:

  1. Her room does look so very peaceful. I can't wait to see it in person! I hate we couldn't be there this weekend, but we will do everything we can to make it when she arrives. You are almost there!
