Saturday, July 10, 2010

33 weeks

Saturday we rode out to Babies 'R' Us because they were having some sort of baby shower event. We stopped at Chick-fil-a to eat first, and it ended up taking FOREVER, and we got to Babies 'R' Us just as the event was closing up shop. Boo!

But we drove all of the way out there, so we browsed around the store for a while. Dave ended up looking at rocking chairs for the nursery and decided we should go ahead and get one. We looked at several and I told Dave to just choose one to get because I had Baby Brain really bad, and couldn't think to make a decision! We found a gliding ottoman that had been discontinued and was 75% off, and it matches the chair we liked pretty well. We had a 20% off coupon that we used on the chair, and the with the 75% off ottoman, we ended up saving a ton! We LOVE getting a good deal!!

I will smile as I rock the baby to sleep knowing how much money we saved on this puppy!

Saturday night we had dinner with some friends. They have a 3 year old son and they gave us some good advice to look for some of the bigger items baby needs on Craigslist and you can save a ton of money. So I have started doing that...I found the pack and play that I want for half the price and it had only been used twice, but someone had already bought it...I will keep looking!

We have been very "crafty" this, B and I made curtains for the side lights on our front door on Monday and it ended up being the BEST decision I have made in a LONG time...the dogs used to go CRAZY every time anyone walked by the house or stopped in the road. Now they barely bark at ALL!! It is so great! Those curtains were a MUST before Ryan gets here, because I didn't want the boys barking all of the time at nothing and waking the baby.

Curtains...the best idea EVER!!! Silence is golden!

Tuesday we made curtains for mom's sidelights, and Wednesday we made even MORE curtains for one of mom's guest rooms. Now we need to make curtains for Ryan's room and for me and Dave's room...we are some curtain making machines!! We also made a name banner to hang over Ryan's crib. SO CUTE!

We had a doctor appointment yesterday. Daddy was able to get off of work a little early and come with us. All of the ladies in the doctor's office just LOVE Dave. Every single person that works there said "long time, no see!" when they saw him. Everything is still looking wonderful. My BP, the baby's heart rate, size and position are all spot on...the doctor told me I make her job easy :)

Here we are at 33 weeks...and yes, this belly is getting out of hand!

Going to eat with some friends this evening. Gotta run!

Have a great week!!

~the Sullivans

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