Friday, August 6, 2010

36 weeks...that's 9 months!!!

As of yesterday, I am 9 months pregnant. I just can't believe seems like only yesterday we were finding out on Christmas Eve that we were expecting. We started with absolutely nothing for a baby, and now we have an entire nursery that is stocked and ready with every little thing one could need. We are enjoying our last few quiet weeks as a couple with two four legged babies before we bring home a human baby to turn this house upside down.

Ryan's crib quilt - we just need to put the trim on the outside edges, and it will be done!

Everyone is in "expectant mode". Mom and Dave actually answer the phone now when I could be THE call, so everyone is on high alert. :)

My cousins, Leah and Lane have been in town this whole week. We took them shopping at the outlets, went to BabyLand (where Cabbage Patch Kids are born), went downtown to eat and look in some cool shops, went to the bookstore, played yard games, swam, and made some crafty jewelry.

My cousins, Leah and Lane, at BabyLand

One of the babies at BabyLand had Ryan's coming home dress on!

This past Saturday, my good friend, Ami, had her baby shower. She is only 2 weeks "more pregnant" than I am. She is a much smaller girl than me, so her belly looks HUGE on her petite frame!

Ami and I compare bellies...if you are wondering what is so funny, she is only 5 feet tall, so I am trying to get down on her level.

It has been a super busy week, and I have felt so behind on everything. I have several projects that I am working on for people, lots that I still want/need to do before Ryan moves in, still doing physical therapy twice a week and the gym twice a week, the house is a mess...oh, and I can't sleep at night. If I get 4 hours (never all at one time) I am lucky.

We got Ryan's car seat and stroller this week. It is really nice. The one we wanted isn't sold in stores anymore, so I ordered it off of the internet, and ended up saving around $60! Dave's task this weekend is to figure out the proper way to install the car seat in the car, and then teach me. We put my 5 pound dumbbells in it to see how heavy it would be with a baby in is not light! And with my bad back, I hope that physical therapy has healed me enough to be able to transport my child!

Ryan is very active. She enjoys kicking mommy in the ribs. Last night I had some pain so low in my abdomen that I thought it might have been a contraction, but I figured it was just Ryan stretching out as hard as she could and her head or hands were pushing really really hard on my bladder, or some other organ down there.

I am hoping she comes soon. I have had a wonderful pregnancy, but this last month is going to be tough. I am ready to have my body back, to feel normal again, to have hips that feel 28 years old, not 80. My lack of sleep lately has made me a little emotional and even though I don't feel ugly or fat or any of that, I get really down about myself. Dave has been wonderful. He comes home from work and helps me clean the house or does the dishes since my belly makes it hard to reach the sink. And he comforts me and takes care of me and doesn't really expect a whole lot out of me. I am so scatter-brained that he has had to make most of the decisions lately, from what to have for dinner to which baby gate to buy.

My good friend, Samantha, went to the park with us today to take some belly pictures for us. It was really, really hot, but we got a few good shots in spite of the heat.

2 of my favorite shots so far...haven't had time to look through them all just yet!

Here is the necklace I made (from scratch) to wear for our maternity photo shoot...just thought I would brag a little :) I love it!

Here are a few pictures from Ryan's baby shower. As I said in my last post, my friend Jayme took the pictures, so I had to get them from her. That is why I didn't post them last week.

Sweet pink booties on the yummiest petitfours ever!

Jayme, me, and Samantha - my girls that put the whole shindig together!

Cutting the cake...strawberry!!

The "Bottle Game"

A gift from my Democratic friend, Jayme...a onesie that says "Wee-publican"

Ami and I compare bellies

That is all for now! Have a great week!

~the Sullivans

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