Tuesday, August 17, 2010

38 weeks

Any day now...

We are in the final hour here people! It is starting to look like a baby's house around here! Bottles are in the cupboard, the stroller is next to the front door, the nursery is overflowing with clothes, swings, bouncers, blankies, shoes, socks, diapers, wipes....everything except pacifiers....NO pacifiers....well, we do have one that my aunt Sheila gave us, just in case. My dad took my car to get cleaned over the weekend to get all of the Grimm and Tonka hair out of it, and Monday Dave installed the car seat. I am driving around with an empty car seat in my car!

Sunday afternoon, our friends Mike and Hope were driving through our area on their way home to Charlotte. We met up with them at the Mall of Georgia to hang out for an hour or two. The guys had some coffee while we sat and caught up, and Hope gave Ryan the cutest hand made sleeper and matching bib. Her mom makes baby and toddler clothes, and they are so cute and so well made! We walked around for a bit, then got some ice cream before they had to take off.

The sleeper from our friends Mike & Hope...so cute!!

Monday afternoon, my friend Ami had her baby, Melody Marie. We went to meet her Tuesday, and she is SO beautiful! She has a full head of ridiculously thick and dark hair. Congrats Ami and Rob!!

While we were at the hospital, Ami and I were trying to get the nurse to sneak me some drugs to make me go into labor. She wouldn't, of course, but she told me that one way to try to nudge labor along is to drink raspberry tea...yes, I am drinking it right now. I am very ready to meet Ryan, as well as be able to wear my old clothes and be small and active again!

Wednesday mom made a cute little chair pad for Ryan's chair and started on a baby doll for her too, while I polished off the last of my thank you notes from the baby shower. My parents came over for dinner, then we went to get ice cream and drove out to the hospital to map out our route. It takes about 20-25 minutes. We take mostly back roads to avoid any traffic. The funny thing is, that the hospital in Snellville that is WAY closer to our house takes about the same amount of time to get to due to the traffic and crazy number of stoplights.

Chair pad

Yesterday afternoon we had another weekly check up. As usual, everything is perfect. I of course don't WANT any complications, but a small part of me was hoping for SOME reason for the doctor to say "you know, we should go ahead and go to the hospital for delivery." I am getting so antsy! Ryan is considered full term at this point, and if I were to go into labor, the doctor isn't going to try to stop me.

Last night, we went to Buffalo's with my parents for dinner. I heard that spicy foods can make the baby come, so mom and I shared some Pepcid and hot wings. It was the first spicy food that I have eaten in months, due to my fear of acid reflux. It didn't work, as Ryan is still not here, and thankfully I didn't have any fire in my throat in the middle of the night.

This afternoon mom and B met me at Target because I was bored and just wanted to walk around. Walking is also supposed to help baby want to come :) . We just piddled around for an hour or so, and when we came back to my house, there was a big box of goodies on the front step from Grandma (Dave's mom, Denise). She sent lots of clothes and blankies for Ryan, as well as a couple of books and some formula. Thanks Grandma!!

A sleepy daddy relaxing in Ryan's rocker

Vintage-y lamb I made for Ryan

Here we are at 38 weeks...9 1/2 months!!!

Well, that is all for now. Have a great week!

~the Sullivans

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