Thursday, August 26, 2010

39 weeks

This week started out extremely quiet. Really not much to report. We are just lying low and enjoying our last few days as just us and the boys.

Dave hurt his leg this week. He was up on a ladder driving some stakes in the yard for a trellis for some pole beans he planted, and a piece broke on the ladder and he fell. The ladder hit his shin, and it has been really swollen ever since. He acts like it hurts pretty bad, but doesn't think it is broken or anything. Just the other night, though, he noticed that the entire side of his foot and heel is blood red, black and blue. Not a good sign. I asked one of my doctors about it and they said that it sounds like a deep bone bruise. If it is not better in a few days, we are going to get it looked at.

Mom made a cute little doll for Ryan this week. She has accessories too...a bib, diaper, change of clothes...very cute!! We also made some basket liners for the baskets I bought last week for the changing table. They were kind of a pain to make, so I am glad that they are done!!

the Nana doll

basket liners...the baskets are the perfect size!

Mike has been teasing me about how big my belly is, so I got out a tape measure and had mom measure us...his belly is a full 10 inches bigger around than mine at 9 3/4 months pregnant. HA!!

So, people have told me the entire 9 months "you are so tiny to be that far along!" or "you sure don't look (x) months pregnant"....well, that has all changed this week. Monday, 3 different total strangers told me "you look like you are about to pop any minute!" We thought that maybe it was a sign or something, but here I am...still pregnant. But I have been told that repeatedly this week, so apparently I look pretty big!

Another weird thing that happened was that mom and I had to go to the mall to grab something for Mike, and one of the teenage boys working there asked me what I was having and what name we had picked out. I told him a girl named Ryan, and he looked at me funny and siad "I think you should name her Emily". Weird because #1-what high school boy cares about this? and #2- Emily was the only other name we even considered! I was really freaked out. He was weird all around.

Thursday after the gym, mom treated me to a manicure and pedicure. I got my toenails painted pink, in honor of the pending arrival of our little girl :)

We had a check up Thursday at the doctor. She came in the room and asked if I had had any contractions. When I said no, she couldn't believe it. She said "this is BORING!!" haha. Dave told her that he thinks Ryan is content to just stay put forever! Well, I told her that she was more than welcome to do whatever she could to get things moving, and she decided to check me. She said that I was a good 2 centimeters dilated!! Then she stripped my membranes...which basically means that she manually fished around in there and tore the membranes connecting my bag of water to my cervix. Not the most comfortable thing in the world, but it is supposed to stimulate labor, so I will take it!! Ryan either loved it or hated it, because she didn't stop moving HARD from the time we left the doctor until we went for a walk...5 hours after we got home. The way that everyone was looking at each other, it seemed like this was really going to do the trick. They didn't want to make me an appointment for next week, because I most likely wouldn't need it. So we are waiting on pins and needles for my water to break or for SOME type of contraction. Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock....I feel like a walking time bomb!!

~the Sullivans

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