Friday, June 8, 2012

Getting sick again...

About a month after the hospital fiasco, I cooked the exact same dinner that I did the night I got sick.  I never thought that it could actually be the FOOD I ate that made me so ill, but almost as soon as I finished my veggie burger and sweet potato wedges, I started to feel the exact same way that I had that horrible night.  I laid on the couch to try to stretch out my belly a bit, but I just felt awful.  I told Dave I was going to take a shower to try to make me feel better.  It didn't.  I wrapped my towel around my hair and climbed into bed, unable to even put clothes on first.  I laid there for probably an hour, just waiting for contractions to start.  Again, I kept wishing I could throw up, but I just never could.  Dave kept Ryan entertained in the playroom, popping in to make sure I was okay every now and then.  Finally, just as he was putting Ryan down for the night (so that must have been around 9:00 pm) I was able to throw up...a LOT.

It was gross.  Dave came running in to check on me and brought me some water.  I felt a lot better after that, but again, I felt drained, like I had been beaten half to death.  Those veggie burgers, which I once thought were SO awesome...yeah, I definitely won't be touching another one of those during this pregnancy, or probably EVER.

This time around was not nearly as bad as the first, maybe because I kind of knew what was going on and didn't have to be so scared.  I could kind of manage it, or deal with it myself.  Plus I never had the crazy contractions I did the first time.  Well, at least the mystery is solved!


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