Sunday, June 10, 2012

Memorial Day weekend

We had a great Memorial Day weekend.  Dave had off Monday and Tuesday, so we had a long 4 day weekend to hang out together.

Saturday afternoon, we went to our friends' Greg and Valerie's pool and just hung out.  We packed a lunch and made a day of it.  There were several other couples there with kids, all a little younger than Ryan.  Ryan was so excited to see all of her friends!  We all sat in the kiddy pool most of the day and just let the kids splash and play.  It is so funny how much life has changed in the past few years!  We had planned on leaving around nap time (2:30 or so), but Ryan never even hinted at being sleepy...she just kept going and going and going.  It finally got to be around dinner time and we decided that we had better hit the road...Ryan passed out in the car before we even got down the street!

Jacob and I on our way to the pool

Ryan cruising on her friend Andie's 4-wheeler

Daddy and Ryan swimming

mmm! Melon!

Sunday morning we had made plans to take Ryan on a special family trip to the Game Ranch, but I woke up with severe pain when I tried to walk or move, so we skipped the trip, skipped church, and just took it easy.  My friend, Makenzie, invited us over for dinner so that I would not have to cook.  Ryan LOVES going to Kenzie's house.  Their dog, Lawrence, plays with her and is very active and loving with her.  She had a ball.

Monday, Dave needed a "daddy work day" to get some big chores done around the house, so Ryan and I played and tried to stay out of his way.  He pressure washed the house, worked in his garden, and put up fencing to keep all of the critters from eating our vegetables!

I had been looking on Craigslist for a full size swing, and found one for sale just down the street from us, so later that morning we set out to go check it out.  With Ryan, we only got a travel swing because we didn't want the big and bulky full swing...she rarely sat in it, and never for longer than a few minutes if she did. So I thought a full swing would be helpful with the second baby, because he will need to be in it more often...I am not going to be able to hold him constantly like I did with Ryan.  The swing turned out to be the one that matches the travel swing and bouncer that we already have! It was literally just out of the box, and they were selling it at half price because their baby just didn't like to swing! Jackpot! We went ahead and got it, and it is right here in the living room just waiting for Jacob!

That afternoon we had a baby pool day in the yard.  Daddy finished up his gardening while Ryan played in her pool and I took pictures of her.

Tuesday morning at breakfast, I asked Ryan what she wanted to do today, and she said "play with Maci!"  So we called her friend Maci to ask if she would like to go to the Game Ranch with us.  Maci is a bit older than Ryan...she is 7, but Ryan loves her to death, and Maci loves Ryan right back.  Maci goes to church with us, and is SO sweet to Ryan and is always holding her hand and playing with her.  The girls had a great time together at the Game Ranch.  We bought some food for them to hand out to the animals, and it was precious to see the deer and other wildlife take it right out of their hands.  It rained on us fairly hard for a bit, but we found shelter in a barn with the donkeys, goats, and sheep.  After we left the Game Ranch, we took them to Chick-fil-a for lunch.  Chick-fil-a is a special treat for Ryan and she just loves going there.  After the girls had there lunch together, we dropped Maci off at her house and Ryan was snoozing in no time. 

Daddy showing Ryan how to feed the deer

 Maci hamming it up for the camera!

Love these two sweet friends!!

 These sheep let us hang out in their barn while it rained!

I had a baby check up later that day.  Everything was fine with the baby.  I had to sign a lot of consent forms to get ready for delivery, had a few tests run, and then had to get blood drawn.  

So that was our busy busy Memorial Day weekend, our last with Ryan as an only child.


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