Sunday, June 10, 2012

a little recap!

I get so behind on blogging, that sometimes I forget what happened when!  So, here is a photo recap of the last few months in photos!!!

Ryan opening some of her Easter eggs!

Easter basket!!

 Tonka getting a sip from Ryan's water table

Grimm is as handsome as ever!

Eater egg hunt!

Ryan was awesome at finding the eggs and putting them in her basket!

Easter fun!

someone left coins in all of her eggs!

Daddy helping open some eggs

She LOVES putting coins in her piggy bank

A day at the park with Mommy

hayride at the Strawberry Festival

Stacey and Adam's wedding

licking the spoon

eating corn on the cob is adorable

loving on a rescued greyhound at the Snellville Days Festival

playing with Wesley at his birthday party

ice cream date with Wesley

young love ;)

hugs from Wesley

precious kiddos!

Mommy has blue piggies to welcome baby Jacob!

Ryan learned "trust God!" at VBS and she says it constantly.
Gramps Moe put her name on the sign outside!

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