Wednesday, March 10, 2010

almost 15 weeks

So a lot of people have been telling me that I need to update this blog more often, and I hope to be able to do so from now on, it's just that not much happens in the 1st trimester that is really "noteworthy".... just think of it as "No news is good news!"

I am out of my 1st trimester and into my 2nd. Friday will be 15 weeks! I joined a gym and have started working out (taking it pretty easy though!) I want to be as strong as I can when it comes time to deliver...I have ZERO pain tolerance, and I just think that the stronger I am, the easier the delivery will be. Plus, I would like to keep my weight gain down!!

Also, a lot of people have been asking for a belly picture. Until now, there really wasn't anything to show, but in the past few days it has become obvious that there is a bump forming...I only have one pair of jeans that still fit when buttoned.

This was taken first thing this morning because my belly seems to grow throughout the day the more I eat! Speaking of eating, it boggles my mind how tired of eating I am! I typically need something every 2 hours, and it can be a challenge to come up with 7 meals or snacks a day that are not plain old JUNK food! There are so many people in the world who do not have enough to eat, and here I am complaining about having to eat too much...I definitely do not take any of it for granted.

Our next appointment is March 22nd, and we are not sure whether or not we will be able to find out the gender, but we are really looking forward to finding out so that we can start buying the things this baby will need. A lady told me the other day that she was sure that I was having a boy because of how I am carrying the baby. I have also read that you will have a bigger appetite if it is a shortage of give it a 50% chance of being a boy :) hehehe

Still no nausea or sickness. I had a dizzy episode Monday night - I woke up about 4am to use the restroom and I could barely walk. It was strange because I didn't FEEL dizzy, I just couldn't walk a straight line and I almost fell over several times. Dave got up and helped me walk into the kitchen and he fixed me a glass of water and gave me some fruit to eat. I felt fine for the most part after that, so we just assumed my blood sugar dropped since I hadn't eaten. I had my mom drive me to physical therapy that morning, just to be safe, and I had my physical therapist take my blood pressure twice while I was there. It turned out to be nothing...but it was a crazy feeling!! (note to everyone reading this: please don't get all crazy and worried and make me regret posting this story! It really turned out to be nothing!!)

OH! And I decided to stay with my doctor and deliver at the small hospital!! I took Dave to see Walton Medical and take a tour and for some reason, it just seemed much better this time around. Maybe it was because Dave was there with me, or maybe I could just tell he was fine with it, and that was reassuring. I am actually looking forward to it now. The staff is so personal and one on one, and I am so glad I have decided to stay with my doctor - she is fantastic. My mom and I went to tour Eastside, which is a bigger hospital much closer to our house, and it just seemed so cold. It was nice, but I definitely did NOT get a warm and fuzzy feeling. Walton seemed much calmer and Eastside made me feel too institutionalized...
In the end, I decided I would rather have a small, older hospital with a one-on-one doctor and personal care, than a fancy big hospital and just be another patient....I mean, this isn't just ANY baby I will be delivering! ;)

Well, it is this baby~mama's bedtime!

~Robbi (and Dave too...even though I can hear him snoring in the bedroom!)

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