Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Babyland General

We woke up one Saturday morning with no real family plans for the day. Rather than squander the entire day running errands or doing remedial chores, I suggested we take Ryan to Babyland. Babyland is the home of Cabbage Patch Kid dolls. You can adopt handmade babies there, there is a small museum area with some of the very first dolls on display, nurseries set up with cribs full of babies, and best if all-Mother Cabbage, where a nurse delivers a doll from the patch right there in front of you! She has been very attached to her baby dolls lately, and I knew she would just love it. It is about an hour and a half away, and near where my brother lives, so we met up with him for lunch. We ate at a little country place that was not much more than a roadside stand. Everything was either BBQ or heavily fried, but it was pretty darn tasty!

When we got to Babyland, we couldn't wait to let Ryan see all of the babies! She immediately wanted to hold a little baby boy doll out of one of the cribs and put him in her stroller. Daddy helped her clip him in and she pushed him around. Then she got a different baby boy doll (little brother practice!) and climbed up in a rocking chair to rock him. She sat there rocking this baby for at least 15 minutes. It was adorable.

Rocking a little baby boy

Clicking the baby in the stroller

Pushing a baby in her stroller

She did NOT want to get up and we had to basically force her to move on! But we were able to distract her since there was a play kitchen in the next room. She ran right up to it and proceeded to prepare a tea party for herself and another little girl who was there. Then we let her wander around the store area for a whole as mommy and daddy followed behind. She found lots of dolls to hold, and even a stuffed dog that she played with for a long time. Then she picked a baby and found a doll stroller an pushed it around FOREVER! She is so loving and motherly to her babies. She pushed around the stroller like it was her DUTY, then she found a doll car seat carrier and put the baby in it and carried her around the store for a very long time.

She found a little table and chairs and sat the baby and carrier in a chair and sat down herself in the next chair, just like a realm mommy would do at a restaurant. She even rocked the carrier occasionally. She got to see a doll being born in the cabbage patch, but it wasn't very interesting to her.

Watching a Cabbage Patch Kid being born!

We made it out somehow without spending a dime, even though I think Dave and I both desperately wanted to get her the doll she carried around the whole time. I can't wait to take back again soon!

Lots of stuffed animals all around!

On the Cabbage Couch with daddy!

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