Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gardening with Daddy

Dave planted a garden again this year, and Ryan loves to help daddy outside when he comes home from work. It is the cutest, most heart warming thing ever to watch her follow right along behind him with her little bucket of water. She helps water the plants and scoops dirt with her little shovel. I've never really allowed her to get dirty before this...she was either too young or it was dark by the time daddy got home or the weather was too cold for her to be parading around the yard. But now she is big enough and listens well enough to not try to put every single thing in her mouth. It's hard to believe that there was once a time when she was afraid of the grass! Now, most days she has to be stripped down at the back door because she is soaking wet, covered in grass clippings, or dripping with mud. It is strangely endearing to see her in such disarray...I can only imagine how much fun this must be for her and I am reminded of how much I loved trudging through creeks and climbing trees when I was a kid. I am watching the wonder of childhood unfold right before my eyes, and I feel so blessed that we get to be a part of that.

Yep, them un-yuns is lookin good!

We may need more water, daddy

Farmer Sullivan

He is teaching her what the different plants are, and she will stand next to him pointing and saying "may-toe, un-yun, beanzz, cum-ba"...pretty cute, and pretty smart! When Dave finds a worm, he shows her and they put it in the dirt together - she is not afraid to touch them! And one night when they came in for dinner Dave asked her to tell me what she found and she said "PO-LEEEE!!" meaning roly poly.


Daddy showing me how to rake the dirt

my very own watering can

watering the strawberries for daddy

Ryan enjoyed splashing in the garden's water buckets so much that we decided that she needed a water table. These things are's just a table that holds water that they can stand at and splash, pour, dump, and play with the water and any water toys we throw in there. Dave found one for only $20 in a Big Lots mailer, so we headed up there one night after he got off of work to snag one. He assembled it and filled it up with water on the back porch. He sat out there watching Ryan play as I cooked dinner and when they came in to eat, he said that she had not made ONE PEEP the entire time! She loves it!!

how many pictures do we need, mom??

teeny weeny bikini!

oops! missed my bucket!

I could do this all day!

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