Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Little man update

We finally decided on a name for our little man! Dave had the final say this time around. We had a name picked out for a while, but we're a little unsure and weren't ready to fully commit. But when we had our ultrasound to determine gender, after they told us he was a boy, I kept thinking as I was looking at the screen "that's Jacob." Kind of the same thing that happened with Ryan. So after about a week of thinking about it, we went ahead and made it official...his name is Jacob Conner Sullivan. We both just like the name Jacob, as well as Jake, and Conner is in honor of my grandpa - it's his last name and his only son has only girls, so there won't be anymore Conners. Also, we apparently like to subconsciously name our kids the most Irish names we can think of ;)

The last boy born into my immediate blood family (the branches below my grandpa) was my older brother...33 years ago, so having a new little guy around is going to be quite a change!

Jacob is moving around a good bit these days. He feels much different than Ryan did. Ryan never changed positions. She laid in the same spot for 9 whole months just kicking the mess out of my ribs. But this little guy is a roller! He does kick, but he mostly kind of tumbles around. He pushes out a lot too. Sometimes it feels like he just decided to stand straight up!

I have been feeling good for the most part. Well, physically anyhow. Mentally I am in a stage where I feel very foggy...I am easily emotional, and it doesn't take much to hurt my feelings or make me get really down. And when I get down, it takes a LONG time to feel better. I feel pretty paranoid everyone is looking at me, judging me, or talking about me. Very weird. Oh, and I feel very dumb too - baby brain has hit in full force. I can't think of words in general conversations! And when trying to explain something, I can't form the sentences I want and I go around in circles. It's like being a crazy person! Luckily, Dave is very understanding and helpful. When I feel like the whole world is against me, he can talk me through it and make me feel loved.

Recently I have been having a LOT of pain when in I can just barely walk. The pain is just under my belly, like where my leg bones click into my hips...I'm dancing around the words 'crotch' and 'groin' here...I talked to several friends about it who have been pregnant twice and they said they had it the 2nd time around too. My friend, Susie, said she even got so scared that she called her doctor about it and they said it was normal and to use a heating pad and stay off your feet. Well, I do those 2 things and it DOES help. It helps a LOT actually...but...I am NOT the kind to walk to stay off of my feet! I want to NEST! I want to cook meals to freeze, or scrub the shower, or vacuum the whole house, or take Ryan to the park to play, or push her around the neighborhood in her stroller on long walks for the fresh air and exercise! One day during her nap time, I decided to spend my free time lying on the couch, no TV, just laying there. I hated it. And I hated that I hated it, but I was not what I wanted to be doing.

Dave is extremely helpful when he gets home from work. Most days he takes Ryan outside to play so I can finish making dinner, then after we eat, he plays with her some more and helps me clean up the kitchen. Then I lay on the couch with my feet up for a few minutes before getting in the shower with Ryan. And after our shower, it is pretty much couch time for me until bedtime. I want to be up helping him get Ryan off to bed, but by the end of the day, my body just kind of gives out on me sometimes. It is actually not THAT bad, but we don't want it to get THAT bad, so we are trying to have me take it easy as much as possible. I definitely do not feel as strong as I did with Ryan...I have NO time to work out this time around, and the first time I was working our at least 4 days a week, not including walking almost every night.

All of my doctor's appointments have been going well. Jacob is measuring right on schedule and doing all of the little baby things he should be doing. Heart rate is good, my blood pressure is good - even lower than it was with Ryan usually! I had my gestational diabetes test and passed with flying colors...and I did NOT pass out this time!! The girl who draws my blood now is VERY good and I barely feel a thing.

Once Dave can get Jake's ultrasound pictures scanned, I will post them. But until then, here are a few belly photo of us :)

21 weeks

23 weeks

27 weeks

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