Friday, April 30, 2010

more 22 weeks...

This week, Dave was reading Dr. Suess's "Are You My Mother?" to Ryan, and every time he strayed from the story, she would kick. Also, he was talking to her, and he put his ear on my belly to listen to what she had to say back, and she totally drop kicked him right in the was hilarious!

I made 3 super cute on-the-go changing pads this week. They are backed in pink terry cloth and are all very girly :) Cherries, cupcakes, and strawberries....

I had ordered some fabric off the internet for Ryan's crib quilt, and it came in this week! I was so excited to tear it open, I was literally skipping to the house from the mailbox. Here are my beautiful fabrics...

As for the black with mustard stars square on the left - my nephew, Brady, had a quilt made for him by a friend of my sister-in-law. She used this fabric in his quilt, and I was absolutely CRAZY about it. I really wanted to use the same fabric for one of Ryan's crib quilt squares, but just couldn't find it anywhere. My sister-in-law put me touch with her friend, and she sent me a square! I was SO happy!!

The yellow fabric may look is the back cover of Little Golden Books!! How great is that??!!

Here we are at 22 weeks...
by the way, red is totally my color :)

If you are looking in the right place at the right time, you can see my tummy move as Ryan kicks. Also, Ryan doesn't seem to like it when I bend over or slouch at stomach feels really queasy and knotted up, and I have to sit down and rest or lie down to stretch everything back out.

Well, I am due for a nap, so I think it is time for daddy to read the baby a story :)

Have a great week!!

~Robbi (and Ryan too!)

Monday, April 26, 2010

22 weeks

Well, Sunday morning Dave and I were laying in bed being lazy and snuggling with the pups when Dave felt Ryan kick for the first time! She even did it twice for him :)

We are having a yard sale this weekend and are all extremely exhausted, so I will try to post a belly picture tomorrow...P.S. my belly is noticeably bigger on the right side than on the left.

Going to bed, sorry for the lame post. Check back tomorrow...I will try to post some more :)


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

21 weeks

We had our 5 month check up at the doctor on Monday, and everything is still looking just as good as it could possibly get. Ryan's heart rate is perfect and so is my blood pressure. My doctor is excited to be "having a girl"...I think that she delivers lot of boys... We showed off the ultrasound pictures and the nurses all squealed with excitement. Dr. McGee said that we need to think of a theme for our delivery because she likes to make her deliveries fun. They suggested football, but as much as we love football (and I'm sure Ryan will too) it just doesn't seem right for a little girl. Any suggestions you may have would be much appreciated (nothing princess, rockstar, diva, etc...and no cartoons either) I'm thinking "the Spa" would be a good theme :) Dave can paint my toenails and rub my back and the nurses can give me a facial and an epidural. Nice.

Perhaps the most exciting thing that happened at the visit for me was when Dr. McGee gave me a prescription for some baby-friendly sinus medicine!!! My sinuses have not been good to me the ENTIRE pregnancy, and now with the arrival of the Spring pollen, I have been quite miserable in the nose area as of lately. After the medicine kicked in and I took my first breath through my nose, I swore to never take clear sinuses for granted ever again!

I have been feeling very "crafty" lately. Mom and I have been hitting up all of the local fabric stores for fun fabrics to make baby stuff with. Tuesday I made some burp cloths, and Wednesday mom, Barbara and I made a quilt top for a cradle quilt. It is beyond adorable! Mom is working on the quilting right now (doing it by hand for an "old" look). I plan to make some travel changing pads today with some cute fabrics we got yesterday.

cute burp cloths backed with terry cloth

one of my fabric stacks to make baby stuff with (that means there is more)

Dave put the crib together this week. I LOVE it. It was a challenge to find a crib that I really like, because so many of them these days are too bulky looking to me. I found 2 cribs that I like pieces of each, and this one just happened to be a perfect mix of both of it was on sale!! It has a drop side, so I won't have to bend over as much to pick her up. We don't have a mattress or anything else to put in it yet, but here it is...

As for me....let's hip is still hurting, but my back pain has been pretty much non-exsistent lately! Physical therapy has been an absolute miracle worker for me! I am back to eating like a normal human being - 3 meals a day, which is exciting for me. Feeling tired a lot, so I take naps when I can.

21 weeks
p.s. I am really sleepy in this picture. Oh, and I am not wearing pajamas in the middle of the day. I had physical therapy this morning, so these are "work out" clothes :)

That's about it for us this week. Have a great weekend!

~the Sullivan's

Friday, April 16, 2010

20 weeks

Has it really been 5 months???

We have had a pretty exciting week. Most people thought it would be a girl, so most people weren't totally surprised with the news, but it has still been exciting and fun to share the news with everyone.

After our appointment last Friday, I was completely exhausted, so Saturday night my parents took Dave and I to one of our favorite restaurants, Bonefish, for dinner to celebrate the news. Afterwards, we walked across the street to Carter's and Osh Kosh to load up on clothes for our baby girl. We probably have about 20 outfits ALREADY. Also, a friend of Dave's from work has 3 little girls and his wife brought in 2 bags of baby clothes and 1 bag of maternity clothes for me!

check out this girl's wardrobe after only 1 week!!!
(I haven't washed the "donated" clothes yet, so they are not included in this picture...these are all brand new) :)

Mom and I have been scouring Snellville, as well as the internet, for the perfect fabrics to make Ryan a baby quilt...and it is not cheap! Dave's mom is getting us a cradle, so I think we will try to make the bedding for it as well. We bought a pattern to make the crib bedding ourselves and Tuesday my parents bought us a crib!! Dave is planning on setting it up this weekend...he is just as happy as a clam, grinning from ear to ear pretty much constantly. :)

We started a registry at Babies 'R' Us, but it is still a work in progress. I have a lot of the major items added to the list already, but there are so many little things, like shampoo and soap and burp cloths that are making my head spin. Oh, and I pretty much hate every high chair ever made.

The baby is kicking now, but not hard enough or frequently enough for Dave to feel it. At the gym Wednesday, I noticed for the first time that the baby is starting to effect what I can and can not belly gets in the way of some of the exercises I normally do, so I have to modify my movements. She is actually kicking right now...I suppose she is saying hello to you all :)

We have a doctor's appointment on Monday, so we will let you know how that turns out.

Here is my 20 week picture...I have a farmers tan from Dave's kickball double-header last Sunday, and Tonka scratched the mess out of my arm at the vet this all in all, my arms are looking pretty awesome.

Have a great week!

~Robbi (& Ryan too)

Friday, April 9, 2010


Well, we had a big, big day today! We went to have THE ultrasound, and it's a girl! The ultrasound was the neatest and most miraculous thing. We could see the baby moving around, and at one point she was trying to grab her was really cute. The technician even commented on how much of a squirmer she is, to which I replied "tell me about it!"

The doctor had nothing but positive things to say about the ultrasound. Everything is absolutely perfect so far, and they told me to just keep doing whatever it is that I am doing!

The heartbeat was right on par at 155 and she weighs 12 ounces! The doctor even said that it looks like she is a week ahead of schedule of the due date that my doctor gave me, so maybe we will have an August baby after all!

Here are all of the pictures that they gave us...I swear they are all different, even though some of them look a lot alike!! I can't believe how big she is already!!

Face profile

Face profile

Face profile

3D image of face (being bashful and covering her face with her hands)

Face profile

Face profile

Okay, so this one is another 3D of the face with her hands covering it, but look to the left in the picture...I see the hairline, eyes, eyebrows, and the top of the nose of the Virgin Mary...or the Mona Lisa...either one.

Another 3D of the face with hands up

Another 3D of the face with hands up

Face profile

Face profile and hands with fingers open

Another face profile and hands with fingers open

Looking at the "lady parts" (right to the right of where it says 'girl')

a foot!

the feets!

A freaky front view, her face is to the right, belly to the left, and arms up holding her ears

Another view of the "lady parts"

I think I felt a few kicks last night, but since I don't really know what they feel like yet, I can't say for sure.

I am not sure if everyone knows the name we have chosen yet, but her name is Ryan Ella Sullivan. I thought of the name Ryan when I was in 6th grade or so, and still love it to this day. (Lucky for me, Dave loves it too!) And my grandmother's name was Ruth Ella, so that is where Ella came from.

Oh, and here is my 19 week belly picture!

We are so excited, and are so glad to share the good news with you all!

Have a GREAT weekend!!

~Dave, Robbi and Ryan!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

18 weeks

Yesterday mom and I finally cashed in our spa gift certificates from LAST Mother's Day and spent the whole afternoon at the spa. I got a prenatal massage, which was basically a total body rub down, a facial, a manicure and a pedicure. With my back pain, I was hoping the massage would be deep tissue, but that's okay - it was still relaxing!

I got some VERY much needed maternity jeans yesterday as well. They are SO much more comfortable than trying to wear my regular jeans with a rubber band holding them shut.

One week from today, we will be finding out if we are having a boy or a girl!! SOO ready to find out!

We are heading out in a few minutes to spend the weekend with Dave's brother and his family. In a hurry, no picture today :( sorry!! Gotta run!!!