Friday, April 16, 2010

20 weeks

Has it really been 5 months???

We have had a pretty exciting week. Most people thought it would be a girl, so most people weren't totally surprised with the news, but it has still been exciting and fun to share the news with everyone.

After our appointment last Friday, I was completely exhausted, so Saturday night my parents took Dave and I to one of our favorite restaurants, Bonefish, for dinner to celebrate the news. Afterwards, we walked across the street to Carter's and Osh Kosh to load up on clothes for our baby girl. We probably have about 20 outfits ALREADY. Also, a friend of Dave's from work has 3 little girls and his wife brought in 2 bags of baby clothes and 1 bag of maternity clothes for me!

check out this girl's wardrobe after only 1 week!!!
(I haven't washed the "donated" clothes yet, so they are not included in this picture...these are all brand new) :)

Mom and I have been scouring Snellville, as well as the internet, for the perfect fabrics to make Ryan a baby quilt...and it is not cheap! Dave's mom is getting us a cradle, so I think we will try to make the bedding for it as well. We bought a pattern to make the crib bedding ourselves and Tuesday my parents bought us a crib!! Dave is planning on setting it up this weekend...he is just as happy as a clam, grinning from ear to ear pretty much constantly. :)

We started a registry at Babies 'R' Us, but it is still a work in progress. I have a lot of the major items added to the list already, but there are so many little things, like shampoo and soap and burp cloths that are making my head spin. Oh, and I pretty much hate every high chair ever made.

The baby is kicking now, but not hard enough or frequently enough for Dave to feel it. At the gym Wednesday, I noticed for the first time that the baby is starting to effect what I can and can not belly gets in the way of some of the exercises I normally do, so I have to modify my movements. She is actually kicking right now...I suppose she is saying hello to you all :)

We have a doctor's appointment on Monday, so we will let you know how that turns out.

Here is my 20 week picture...I have a farmers tan from Dave's kickball double-header last Sunday, and Tonka scratched the mess out of my arm at the vet this all in all, my arms are looking pretty awesome.

Have a great week!

~Robbi (& Ryan too)

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