Tuesday, April 20, 2010

21 weeks

We had our 5 month check up at the doctor on Monday, and everything is still looking just as good as it could possibly get. Ryan's heart rate is perfect and so is my blood pressure. My doctor is excited to be "having a girl"...I think that she delivers lot of boys... We showed off the ultrasound pictures and the nurses all squealed with excitement. Dr. McGee said that we need to think of a theme for our delivery because she likes to make her deliveries fun. They suggested football, but as much as we love football (and I'm sure Ryan will too) it just doesn't seem right for a little girl. Any suggestions you may have would be much appreciated (nothing princess, rockstar, diva, etc...and no cartoons either) I'm thinking "the Spa" would be a good theme :) Dave can paint my toenails and rub my back and the nurses can give me a facial and an epidural. Nice.

Perhaps the most exciting thing that happened at the visit for me was when Dr. McGee gave me a prescription for some baby-friendly sinus medicine!!! My sinuses have not been good to me the ENTIRE pregnancy, and now with the arrival of the Spring pollen, I have been quite miserable in the nose area as of lately. After the medicine kicked in and I took my first breath through my nose, I swore to never take clear sinuses for granted ever again!

I have been feeling very "crafty" lately. Mom and I have been hitting up all of the local fabric stores for fun fabrics to make baby stuff with. Tuesday I made some burp cloths, and Wednesday mom, Barbara and I made a quilt top for a cradle quilt. It is beyond adorable! Mom is working on the quilting right now (doing it by hand for an "old" look). I plan to make some travel changing pads today with some cute fabrics we got yesterday.

cute burp cloths backed with terry cloth

one of my fabric stacks to make baby stuff with (that means there is more)

Dave put the crib together this week. I LOVE it. It was a challenge to find a crib that I really like, because so many of them these days are too bulky looking to me. I found 2 cribs that I like pieces of each, and this one just happened to be a perfect mix of both of them...plus it was on sale!! It has a drop side, so I won't have to bend over as much to pick her up. We don't have a mattress or anything else to put in it yet, but here it is...

As for me....let's see....my hip is still hurting, but my back pain has been pretty much non-exsistent lately! Physical therapy has been an absolute miracle worker for me! I am back to eating like a normal human being - 3 meals a day, which is exciting for me. Feeling tired a lot, so I take naps when I can.

21 weeks
p.s. I am really sleepy in this picture. Oh, and I am not wearing pajamas in the middle of the day. I had physical therapy this morning, so these are "work out" clothes :)

That's about it for us this week. Have a great weekend!

~the Sullivan's

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