Friday, April 9, 2010


Well, we had a big, big day today! We went to have THE ultrasound, and it's a girl! The ultrasound was the neatest and most miraculous thing. We could see the baby moving around, and at one point she was trying to grab her was really cute. The technician even commented on how much of a squirmer she is, to which I replied "tell me about it!"

The doctor had nothing but positive things to say about the ultrasound. Everything is absolutely perfect so far, and they told me to just keep doing whatever it is that I am doing!

The heartbeat was right on par at 155 and she weighs 12 ounces! The doctor even said that it looks like she is a week ahead of schedule of the due date that my doctor gave me, so maybe we will have an August baby after all!

Here are all of the pictures that they gave us...I swear they are all different, even though some of them look a lot alike!! I can't believe how big she is already!!

Face profile

Face profile

Face profile

3D image of face (being bashful and covering her face with her hands)

Face profile

Face profile

Okay, so this one is another 3D of the face with her hands covering it, but look to the left in the picture...I see the hairline, eyes, eyebrows, and the top of the nose of the Virgin Mary...or the Mona Lisa...either one.

Another 3D of the face with hands up

Another 3D of the face with hands up

Face profile

Face profile and hands with fingers open

Another face profile and hands with fingers open

Looking at the "lady parts" (right to the right of where it says 'girl')

a foot!

the feets!

A freaky front view, her face is to the right, belly to the left, and arms up holding her ears

Another view of the "lady parts"

I think I felt a few kicks last night, but since I don't really know what they feel like yet, I can't say for sure.

I am not sure if everyone knows the name we have chosen yet, but her name is Ryan Ella Sullivan. I thought of the name Ryan when I was in 6th grade or so, and still love it to this day. (Lucky for me, Dave loves it too!) And my grandmother's name was Ruth Ella, so that is where Ella came from.

Oh, and here is my 19 week belly picture!

We are so excited, and are so glad to share the good news with you all!

Have a GREAT weekend!!

~Dave, Robbi and Ryan!!!

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