Monday, May 24, 2010

26 weeks

A few key things that I forgot to mention from the 3D/4D ultrasound...Ryan weighed 1 lb, 13 oz and her heart rate was 164. She is growing!!

We are heading out of town this morning to Raleigh, NC to spend the weekend with Dave's brother, Shaun, and his family. We love getting to see our nephews, Seth and Brady! (Their parents aren't too bad either). Saturday, Dave's mom will come down to Raleigh to spend the day with us. On Sunday, we will head to Sneads Ferry for a family reunion at Dave's dad's house.

We have a Labor & Delivery class at the hospital Tuesday night, and Ryan and I have a check up at the doctor on Thursday. I have to do my glucose screening...not excited. I can positively say that I do not have gestational diabetes...can I just keep my blood please?

We are heading out the door right now, and the camera is already packed up, so no belly picture today, sorry :(

Have a great week! Happy Memorial Day!

~the Sullivans

Saturday, May 22, 2010

3D/4D Ultrasound

A few days ago, an old friend from high school posted on Facebook that she needed pregnant models for an ultrasound seminar that her company was doing. Since 25 weeks is a great window for an ultrasound, I contacted her and she set me up with a FREE 3D/4D Ultrasound at the seminar in Atlanta. We just got home, and it was AWESOME!

Dave, mom and Mike all went with me. We walked into a hotel conference room and there were 6 or 7 different ultrasound machines set up for people to try out. The seminar was running behind in the next room, so no one was really there yet. It turned out to be great for me, because she gave me a free ultrasound for 30 minutes or so!

Ryan had her little hands in front of her face for the first half of the ultrasound, but towards the end, she put them down so we could see her. She was extremely low in my belly, and the lady had to maneuver right around my right hip bone.

She was so adorable. At one point, she yawned, which was painfully cute. And another time she stuck her little tongue out at us.

Here are some of the better photos from the day...

Little ankles a proper lady :)

We also got a video of the entire ultrasound, so if I can figure out how to upload it later, I will. We are actually on our way out the door right now to go to a drive-in movie with some friends.

Hope you enjoy!!

Love, the Sullivans

"Glad you got to see me!" ~Ryan

Sunday, May 16, 2010

25 weeks

Mom and I went out to Babies 'R' Us on Thursday and finalized the registry. It is 9 pages long! And I thought I was being a little conservative! But we started out with ZERO things for a baby, so there is all kinds of things we need!

At the beginning of the week, we got a very special delivery dropped at our front door...Ryan's beautiful cradle! Daddy Dave put it together and it is perfect! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Mark!

Here is Dave and the boys showing off what they built
(Dave is holding a little teething toy my mom got for Ryan the other is a moose in honor of big brother Grimm...who is hiding in Daddy's lap)

So, this pregnancy thing has been a breeze up to this morning sickness, no nausea, no mood swings, no pain, no heartburn...literally nothing bad at all. is starting to get harder...

My belly is starting to get a lot bigger, and can hinder my day-to-day activity. My middle back is a little achy since it is supporting this new belly. After never having heartburn in my life (even though I love to eat super spicy foods) I have started to have mild heartburn or acid reflux...never had it before, so not sure what it is exactly. I have steered clear of the spicy foods for about 2 weeks now...I miss them!

Oh, and I have felt like a complete crazy person for the past week because my hormones have caught up with me. I have had 2 outbursts of bawling for absolutely no reason, the first lasting about an hour, the second one was for almost a whole day. And just about anything can set me off...I was looking at Father's Day cards in the store the other day and got misty.

But I am not complaining. I think I still have it pretty easy compared to most pregnancies. (knock on wood!!)

We had a doctors appointment this week. Everything was fine. My blood pressure was a little high for me - I am usually spot on perfect, but this week it was 131/74 I think. Still good, just not my usual. In my defense, I had just walked about 20 feet at a pretty fast pace and then the nurse started talking about wanting to take my blood at my next visit. So perhaps I was stressed :)

Dave was working, so mom went with me. We got to hear Ryan's heartbeat again, which is still sounding great. The doctor measured my belly and said it is at about 24 inches. And the nurses gave me a present - a bag with Ryan's initials monogrammed on it. How sweet! My appointments will be every 2 weeks now, as opposed to every 4 weeks...that means we are getting closer!!

So I have some EXTREMELY exciting news...basically, an old friend from high school works with GE selling ultrasound equipment, and she needed some pregnant "models" for a seminar that her company is doing. Long story short, I am getting a FREE 3D/4D ultrasound tomorrow!!! Ryan's very first modeling gig! I am very excited to get to see Ryan's little face again. Dave and mom are going along with me. Maybe Mike too, he has been out of town and I haven't seen him to ask him yet.

Here we are at 25 weeks...I just woke up from a nap. I have been SOOO tired lately!

We are heading to Dave's brother's house next weekend to spend some time with Shaun, Heather, Seth and Brady. Dave's mom is coming down to spend a day with us, and then on Sunday we are driving 2 hours to go to a family reunion at Dave's dad's house for the day. Should be a busy weekend!

I will post my 3D/4D ultrasound pictures as soon as I can! (Hopefully tomorrow night!!)

Have a great week!

~Robbi and Ryan

Saturday, May 15, 2010

24 weeks

Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day! I know I did! Grimm got me a new hair dryer (mine is about to die any day now), Tonka gave me the Blindside on DVD, Dave gave me $20 for my "yard sale" fund, and Ryan gave me a new light bulb for my vanity magnifying mirror (I thought it was broken, so I was wanting a new mirror altogether, but Dave did a little snooping and realized it just needed a new light bulb!)...Daddy put the new bulb in for sweet of him!

Not a lot going on this week. We went to the hospital this morning for an Expo they were hosting. We had a pretty good time. They had all types of baby vendors there: photographers, furniture sales, pediatricians, etc., and we got some good information. They were giving tours of the newly renovated birthing rooms...that's right...they have totally redone the maternity wing!! It is BEAUTIFUL!!! The rooms are really big and they now have hardwood floors, cute color schemes, new wood furniture, nice is just GREAT. The rooms were pretty blank and "blah" before, but now they are just as cute as they could possibly be. I didn't have my camera, or I would have snapped a photo for you all to see! It definitely makes me feel a lot better about the time I will have to spend there!

Ryan and I have a check up on Monday, so we will let you know how that goes next week. She has been moving a LOT this week. She is not just kicking now, but actually squirming around.

Here we are at 24 weeks...6 months already!!

Oh, and we went to Barnsley Gardens last weekend for Mother's Day/Grimm's birthday. Everyone had a lot of fun. It was really pretty and I got a lot of good pictures. Dave took a couple of belly photos for me and they came out great. (I just happened to be wearing the same shirt as I am today...I swear I have other clothes!)

Well, that is about it for now. Hope everyone has a great week!!

~the Sullivans

Monday, May 3, 2010

23 weeks

The Snellville Days festival was this past weekend, and mom and I went to check it out Sunday. (On the way there, it came up in conversation that we have lived here 14 years and have never gone to this festival...why??) Anyhow, sewing for babies seems to be the new thing in the craft fair world, and there was no shortage of booths with handmade burp cloths, bibs, bows, dresses, etc. It was fun to look and get ideas, but the things we have made so far are much nicer than most of the things those ladies were selling :) Plus, I made them, so that makes it more personal and special.

I did buy 2 little crocheted beanie hats for Ryan, and 2 handmade bibs with her name embroidered on them. (I am going to make a pattern from the bibs so I can make my own...the main reason I wanted them!)

Hats - can't wait to take her picture in these!!

Sweet little bibs just for Ryan

Grimm's birthday was Tuesday, May 4th. I can't believe he is 5 years old! He got all dressed up in his fancy red bandana and we celebrated by taking him to PetSmart to pick out a toy, and then came home for some home made liver cake (I stopped at Kroger for some cupcakes for the humans). I don't think there is anything in the world that the dogs like more than liver cake.

Grimm enjoying his birthday cake :)

Mom finished hand quilting the cradle quilt yesterday, and it looks AMAZING! I absolutely love it! It has a vintage feel to it. I wanted to do brighter colors on this one since her crib quilt is going to be more muted. Now on to making the crib quilt!

I could not love it more!!!

And here we are at 23 weeks. She has been moving a lot this week!

We are taking mom, Barbara, and all 4 of the dogs to Barnsley Gardens tomorrow for Mother's Day/Grimm's birthday. This is where Dave took me for our 2nd anniversary. It should be beautiful this time of year, and I hope that all of the roses are in bloom!!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there!! And a very special "Happy Mother's Day" from Ryan to Nana, Grandma, Nannie, Grandma Judy, Nana B, Aunt Sheila, Aunt Heather, Aunt Jeanne, and Aunt Holly!!

Love you all!!

Have a great week!!

~the Sullivans