Sunday, May 16, 2010

25 weeks

Mom and I went out to Babies 'R' Us on Thursday and finalized the registry. It is 9 pages long! And I thought I was being a little conservative! But we started out with ZERO things for a baby, so there is all kinds of things we need!

At the beginning of the week, we got a very special delivery dropped at our front door...Ryan's beautiful cradle! Daddy Dave put it together and it is perfect! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Mark!

Here is Dave and the boys showing off what they built
(Dave is holding a little teething toy my mom got for Ryan the other is a moose in honor of big brother Grimm...who is hiding in Daddy's lap)

So, this pregnancy thing has been a breeze up to this morning sickness, no nausea, no mood swings, no pain, no heartburn...literally nothing bad at all. is starting to get harder...

My belly is starting to get a lot bigger, and can hinder my day-to-day activity. My middle back is a little achy since it is supporting this new belly. After never having heartburn in my life (even though I love to eat super spicy foods) I have started to have mild heartburn or acid reflux...never had it before, so not sure what it is exactly. I have steered clear of the spicy foods for about 2 weeks now...I miss them!

Oh, and I have felt like a complete crazy person for the past week because my hormones have caught up with me. I have had 2 outbursts of bawling for absolutely no reason, the first lasting about an hour, the second one was for almost a whole day. And just about anything can set me off...I was looking at Father's Day cards in the store the other day and got misty.

But I am not complaining. I think I still have it pretty easy compared to most pregnancies. (knock on wood!!)

We had a doctors appointment this week. Everything was fine. My blood pressure was a little high for me - I am usually spot on perfect, but this week it was 131/74 I think. Still good, just not my usual. In my defense, I had just walked about 20 feet at a pretty fast pace and then the nurse started talking about wanting to take my blood at my next visit. So perhaps I was stressed :)

Dave was working, so mom went with me. We got to hear Ryan's heartbeat again, which is still sounding great. The doctor measured my belly and said it is at about 24 inches. And the nurses gave me a present - a bag with Ryan's initials monogrammed on it. How sweet! My appointments will be every 2 weeks now, as opposed to every 4 weeks...that means we are getting closer!!

So I have some EXTREMELY exciting news...basically, an old friend from high school works with GE selling ultrasound equipment, and she needed some pregnant "models" for a seminar that her company is doing. Long story short, I am getting a FREE 3D/4D ultrasound tomorrow!!! Ryan's very first modeling gig! I am very excited to get to see Ryan's little face again. Dave and mom are going along with me. Maybe Mike too, he has been out of town and I haven't seen him to ask him yet.

Here we are at 25 weeks...I just woke up from a nap. I have been SOOO tired lately!

We are heading to Dave's brother's house next weekend to spend some time with Shaun, Heather, Seth and Brady. Dave's mom is coming down to spend a day with us, and then on Sunday we are driving 2 hours to go to a family reunion at Dave's dad's house for the day. Should be a busy weekend!

I will post my 3D/4D ultrasound pictures as soon as I can! (Hopefully tomorrow night!!)

Have a great week!

~Robbi and Ryan

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