Saturday, May 22, 2010

3D/4D Ultrasound

A few days ago, an old friend from high school posted on Facebook that she needed pregnant models for an ultrasound seminar that her company was doing. Since 25 weeks is a great window for an ultrasound, I contacted her and she set me up with a FREE 3D/4D Ultrasound at the seminar in Atlanta. We just got home, and it was AWESOME!

Dave, mom and Mike all went with me. We walked into a hotel conference room and there were 6 or 7 different ultrasound machines set up for people to try out. The seminar was running behind in the next room, so no one was really there yet. It turned out to be great for me, because she gave me a free ultrasound for 30 minutes or so!

Ryan had her little hands in front of her face for the first half of the ultrasound, but towards the end, she put them down so we could see her. She was extremely low in my belly, and the lady had to maneuver right around my right hip bone.

She was so adorable. At one point, she yawned, which was painfully cute. And another time she stuck her little tongue out at us.

Here are some of the better photos from the day...

Little ankles a proper lady :)

We also got a video of the entire ultrasound, so if I can figure out how to upload it later, I will. We are actually on our way out the door right now to go to a drive-in movie with some friends.

Hope you enjoy!!

Love, the Sullivans

"Glad you got to see me!" ~Ryan

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