Monday, May 24, 2010

26 weeks

A few key things that I forgot to mention from the 3D/4D ultrasound...Ryan weighed 1 lb, 13 oz and her heart rate was 164. She is growing!!

We are heading out of town this morning to Raleigh, NC to spend the weekend with Dave's brother, Shaun, and his family. We love getting to see our nephews, Seth and Brady! (Their parents aren't too bad either). Saturday, Dave's mom will come down to Raleigh to spend the day with us. On Sunday, we will head to Sneads Ferry for a family reunion at Dave's dad's house.

We have a Labor & Delivery class at the hospital Tuesday night, and Ryan and I have a check up at the doctor on Thursday. I have to do my glucose screening...not excited. I can positively say that I do not have gestational diabetes...can I just keep my blood please?

We are heading out the door right now, and the camera is already packed up, so no belly picture today, sorry :(

Have a great week! Happy Memorial Day!

~the Sullivans

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